Proposition F — Library Preservation Fund

Proposition F would extend the Library Preservation Fund for another 25 years, to June 2048. The fund currently draws 2.5 cents out of every $100 dollars from existing property taxes — a property tax set-aside — and would continue at this rate with the Proposition F extension. The fund is designated to provide library services and materials, and to operate library facilities.

Phil Ting – District 19 State Assembly Member Candidate Response

The Public Press invited candidates to share audio responses to questions that we formed using survey responses from the San Francisco community. Candidates for District 19 State Assembly were given the following question:We asked San Francisco residents to tell us about the most pressing issues in their districts. According to survey responses we received, homelessness and housing affordability are the top concerns citywide. If you are elected to the State Assembly, what do you plan to do about these issues?

Joe Alioto Veronese – District Attorney Candidate Response

The Public Press invited candidates to share audio responses to questions that we formed based on survey responses from the San Francisco community. Candidates for District Attorney were given the following question:

We asked San Francisco residents to tell us about the most pressing issues in their districts. According to survey responses we received, crime is a top concern. What are your priorities when it comes to addressing crime? Where would you focus your efforts in combating crime?

Brooke Jenkins – District Attorney Candidate Response

The Public Press invited candidates to share audio responses to questions that we formed based on survey responses from the San Francisco community. Candidates for District Attorney were given the following question:

We asked San Francisco residents to tell us about the most pressing issues in their districts. According to survey responses we received, crime is a top concern. What are your priorities when it comes to addressing crime? Where would you focus your efforts in combating crime?

Media Alert: Vacant Homes for the Homeless in SF

At least 400 people living outside have been on a waitlist for supportive housing for more than a year. San Francisco has more than enough rooms for all of them. The San Francisco Public Press and ProPublica investigate. FIND THE STORY HERE

FOR INTERVIEWS: Nuala Bishari, reporter — 415-860-7915 or [email protected]; or Lila LaHood, publisher — 415-846-3983 or [email protected]

VISUALS: Nuala Bishari is available to meet for interviews virtually or in person.