市參事殷嘉立(Joel Engardio)同當地商戶與市民會面。


居住在舊金山西側,由市參事殷嘉立(Joel Engardio)代表的市民表示,他們對他於其他市參事共同發起一項投票提案感到措手不及。該措施旨在永久關閉海洋公路,禁止汽車通行,並將其改造為海濱公園。


(This story also available in English. Click to find it.)

SF Lawmaker Faces Growing Backlash for Supporting Great Highway Closure

Many of Supervisor Joel Engardio’s constituents, who live on San Francisco’s west side, said they felt caught off guard by his move to co-sponsor a ballot measure to permanently close the Great Highway to car traffic and turn it into a park.

They said he should have consulted them before backing the measure, and some are pushing him to alter or withdraw it from the ballot.

Homeless Outreach Declines With Street Team’s Shifting Priorities, Staffing Woes

Street outreach by San Francisco’s premier team for helping people living on the streets has fallen for years and could continue dropping.

Years-long staffing woes and shifting work priorities have driven the decline, leaving the team less time for their core mission: building trust with unhoused people and helping them access social services and housing. Homelessness advocates approved of the team’s new efforts to bring people indoors, but worried that officials’ political motives might be influencing these changes.

从蘇特羅高地(Sutro Heights )方向看過去的海洋公路,拍攝與2019年9月


一個代表日落區數十名商戶的團體公開反對一個投票提案。該提案將讓選民決定是否禁止車輛通行三藩市海洋公路(Great Highway)禁車,並將其改造為海濱公園。


(This story also available in English. Click to find it.)

Merchants Oppose Ballot Measure to Turn Great Highway Into Park

A group representing dozens of merchants in the Sunset District is objecting to a ballot measure that would close San Francisco’s Great Highway to cars and transform it into a park. 

The closure could hurt businesses on the west side of the city, the group said, by slowing car traffic to them. That might reduce clientele foot traffic and delay the delivery of merchandise for sale.

In the Name of Eelgrass

We bring you this story from Bay Nature, a newsroom covering the environment:

In the Richardson Bay, between Sausalito and Tiburon, anchors from the people who live on their boats are threatening vital eelgrass habitat. Even though an alternative anchor technology could prevent the damage, authorities are telling the residents to leave, potentially putting some at risk of homelessness.

SF Lawmaker Pitches Pay Cuts for Top Officials to Ease Budget Woes

In an effort to help fill budget gaps and bolster some essential city services, one San Francisco lawmaker is proposing pay cuts at the highest levels of government.

City Hall has faced increasing budget shortfalls since the COVID-19 pandemic, which hobbled the downtown office real estate market, disrupting a major source of tax revenue. Mayor London Breed’s latest proposal to close the budget deficit, projected at $790 million over the next two fiscal years, has met objection from some officials and local social service providers.

At a City Hall meeting in San Francisco, an interpreter helps a resident make a public comment.

As Bay Area Cities Adopt Real-Time AI Translation for Public Meetings, SF Abstains

Cities in Northern California are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence-powered translation tools in an effort to make public meetings more accessible to residents who are not proficient in English. The technology could address obstacles to access in San Francisco, where people can struggle to obtain city-provided interpreters.

Should San Francisco consider following San Jose, Modesto and others in adopting AI translation? City officials say no, and some community groups are wary but open to the possibility.